Music can be a good relaxation technique for cancer patients.
Ms. Sheryl M. Ness, R.N., a nurse educator of the Cancer Education at MAYO Clinic, says in her “Living with Cancer” blog (dated April 23, 2011) that Relaxation therapies may help alleviate certain symptoms of cancer, relieves side effects of treatment, and improves your sense of well-being. She picks up Listening to music as a common relaxation technique as well as Yoga, Tai chi, Exercise, Hypnosis, Guided Imagery, Massage therapy. She writes, in addition, research studies show that
relaxation techniques can lower blood pressure, reduce pain, and ease some side effects of chemotherapy.
Our artist, MARTH lost his beloved to terminal cancer.
Through such painful experiences, however, he says he became aware of a true reality
of the universe, of the nature, which transcends our ideas of “the self?”
and “the other” and he was able to heal himself with this awareness and
to create beautiful pieces of music. In reality, there is neither self
nor the other, and this world is a united and unknown space, MARTH says he realizes so.
We have some customers bought our CDs for their ailing friends suffering
from cancer. That may be because they were moved by a great message from
the nature hidden in MARTH’s music and they wanted to relax their
beloveds with the music. We wish his music filled with love enough to
accept even sickness and death will be a great use for a deep relaxation
and for an improvement of Quality of Life for all the ailing people in the world.
Relaxation can help relieve stress of having cancer